I am writing this in a delxue suite in the greshem hotel in Dublin. I arrived this moring avec ma mere. We spent the whole day shopping. I am very tired. I met up with the beautiful Remy who showed me Dublins fashion jems. She is my fashion soulmate after all. The most exciting part of my day was meeting Anouska ( first picture ). My favorite blogger in all of blogesphere.
This is what happened. Remy took me to this amazing department store and we were wandering around when i spotted Anouska. Now. I have been a little too obsessed with this girl Anouska for the best part of like three years. Its safe to say i had quite the seizure when i saw her. I wouldnt have been brave enough to talk to her by myself,but thankfully Remy was. She was so lovely,and as you can see very beautiful. Still cant believe it. The camera used was borrowed from my fav photographer miss helen,and im just getting used to it. As you can tell from most of the blurry pictures. This has been a very good day.
top-primarks men section and DIY
denim jacket-topshop
pink love ring-river island
hand chain-topshop
cross earrings-river island